by Gabriel Aryeetey
Many people full of great potential meander through life without a clear cut vision of what they want to achieve in life. They find themselves going with the flow of what life has to offer without proactively designing their own future first on blueprint like you would have the architectural blueprint of a building on paper before its built. In this book Gabriel Aryeetey teaches on one of the most important skills in life all high achievers and peak performers engage. He elucidates on the incredible power behind goal setting with practical examples from accomplished achievers and his own experience. He elucidates on the incredible power behind goal setting with practical examples from accomplished achievers and his own experience.
Gabriel Aryeetey is a graduate in Economics and Information Studies. He is currently a Sales Executive with an American global company IHS Global. He is the CEO and founder of Peak Destiny a personal and professional development company. He is an emerging motivational speaker, author and investor-entrepreneur. He has a passion to see young people discover their potential in life by igniting their creative and imaginative abilities to become champions of their own destiny. He is married to Yvonne and they are blessed with children.