The Naked Truth
by Miriam Virgo
Miriam Virgo has written this book on account of her life experiences, ranging from childhood abuse through to later becoming a single parent through tragic circumstances, a heart rendering autobiography with an amazing revelation......... A born again Christian, Miriam has chosen to break down the walls of silence that can accompany a false sense of being perfect to be accepted by God. Whether you believe in God or not this book will make you laugh, cry, shout, get mad and get to a place where you may even realise that you too have made it and are a success just for being you! Miriam's journey is one of success versus pain, abuse, heartache, sorrow, rejection, isolation, fear, violence, murder, suicide and rape. For help Miriam turned to the church, The sanctuary of hope sadly for her it turned into a place of torment and violation, with nobody left to help her she discovered the solution came through one thing......
Miriam Virgo an author with a heart for people has written this book on account of her life experiences, ranging from childhood abuse through to later becomingĀ a single parent through tragic circumstances, a heart rendering autobiography with an amazing revelation.........
Miriam is also an up and coming speaker, she deals with real life issues and encourages people to make it against all odds.