Pathways To Healing
by Carmen Carrol
Are you a Dreamer, just like Joseph in the Bible, carefree and enjoy life? Joseph’s story is well-known and highlights the power of a single dream. In one moment, his life is changed. Joseph experienced the hurt of betrayal from his brothers, who sold him into slavery.
Carmen shares her own story of experiencing sibling rivalry. It began from the age of six and it had an impact on her adulthood. She draws lessons from Scripture to bring hope on how you can also walk through the maze of hurt, guilt, shame and confusion of past pain and overcome the challenges of today. She takes you on her journey of a painful experience that can bring the strongest person to their knees and takes you to a place of self-love, forgiveness, hope and healing. Carmen guides you through several pit stops in identifying the internal critic… those voices that pull you down and tells you that you are too sensitive. Learn how to change your inner dialogue and to walk on your own Pathways to Healing.
Since she was a child, Carmen has always been creative––using her drawings and poetry to express herself to others. The last of eight siblings, she resides in Bristol, UK, and lives with her husband, Mel. She enjoys travelling and watching old movies. She is an Empowerment speaker and has contributed towards empowering women, using biblical teachings to improve every facet of their lives. She was a co-presenter on a community radio station for nine years alongside her husband. She used this platform to play uplifting music and share empowerment talks.